A bot for machine learning research on StarCraft: Brood War
►Nc10d | |
CProcessGroup | |
CStore | |
►Ncherrypi | Main namespace for bot-related code |
►Nautobuild | |
CBuildEntry | |
CBuildState | Describes a state of the game, either now or in a hypothetical future, for use in AutoBuilds |
CBuildStateUnit | |
►Nbos | |
CModelRunner | Helper class for running BOS models |
CSample | |
CStaticData | |
►Ndetail | |
CFifoPipes | |
►Nmodel | |
CBuildOrderConfig | Defines a build order, from the standpoint of strategy selection |
CBuildOrderCount | Handle on a vector of victory status for each game, giving easy access to relevant figures |
CEnemyHistory | Class holding a playedGames vector for a given enemy |
►Nmovefilters | |
CConstantGetter | |
CFuncPositionFilter | Input: |
CMultiPositionFilter | This filter uses the score of the base filter, only of all subfilters return that the position is valid |
CPositionFilter | Assigns positions a score and validity, based on some criteria |
CUnionPositionFilter | Class to combine filters |
►Nutils | |
CNoValue | |
CABBO10HatchLing | |
CABBO12HatchHydras | |
CABBO12PoolMuta | |
CABBO2BaseMutas | |
CABBO2HatchMuta | |
CABBO3BasePoolLings | |
CABBO5Pool | |
CABBO9PoolSpeedLingMuta | |
CABBOBase | |
CABBOdelayed4Pool | Dummy build for verifying that opponents are functioning correctly |
CABBOhydracheese | |
CABBOhydras | |
CABBOmidmassling | |
CABBOpve2gate1012 | |
CABBOpve4gate | |
CABBOpvp2gatedt | |
CABBOpvpgategateobs | |
CABBOpvzffe5gategoon | |
CABBOt5rax | |
CABBOtvpjoyorush | |
CABBOtvtz2portwraith | |
CABBOultras | |
CABBOzve9poolspeed | |
CABBOzvp10hatch | |
CABBOzvp3hatchhydra | |
CABBOzvp6hatchhydra | |
CABBOzvpmutas | |
CABBOzvpohydras | |
CABBOzvpomutas | |
CABBOzvpoverpoolbase | |
CABBOzvt2basedefiler | |
CABBOzvt2baseguardian | |
CABBOzvt2basehivebase | |
CABBOzvt2baseultra | |
CABBOzvt3hatchlurker | |
CABBOzvtantimech | |
CABBOzvtMacro | |
CABBOzvtp1hatchlurker | |
CABBOzvz12poolhydras | |
CABBOzvz9gas10pool | |
CABBOzvz9poolspeed | |
CABBOzvzoverpool | |
CABBOzvzoverpoolplus1 | |
CAgent | An Agent represents the micromanagement state of one of our units |
CArea | Represents an area on the map |
►CAreaInfo | Access point for area and base information |
CBaseInfo | |
CAssignedUnitsFilter | Removes units from an UPC that are allocated to high-priority tasks |
CAttackTracker | Tracks a set of units attacking enemy units |
CAutoBuildModule | |
CAutoBuildTask | AutoBuildTasks are "build orders" in the colloquial sense |
CBaseJitter | |
CBasePlayer | The main bot object |
CBehavior | A Behavior is a self-contained situational micro rule |
CBehaviorSeries | |
CBlackboard | An access-aware blackboard |
CBoardValueToString | |
CBuilderController | A unit production controller for all other units |
CBuilderControllerBase | Base class for controllers used by BuilderModule |
CBuilderControllerData | Shared data among all builder controllers |
CBuilderModule | A general-purpose unit production module |
CBuildingHarassTask | |
CBuildingPlacerModule | Determines positions for buildings |
►CBuildingPlacerSample | Describes a sample that can be used to learn the BuildingPlacerModel |
CStaticData | Game-dependent input features |
CBuildTracker | Tracks construction of a building or training of a unit |
CBuildType | Represents and holds information about buildable types (units, upgrades, techs) |
►CCherryVisDumperModule | Records bot internal state and dumps it to a file readable by CherryVis |
►CLogger | |
CLoggerStream | |
CTypeInfo | |
CTraceData | |
CTreeData | |
CTreeNode | |
CUnitData | |
CCherryVisLogSink | |
►CCombatMicroModule | Unit micro-management for combats |
CHealthInfo | |
CCombatModule | A combat module that controls squads of units |
CCombatParameters | |
►CCombatSim | Predicts the outcome of a hypothetical fight by simulating unit movements/attacks |
CSimUnit | |
CTeam | |
CCommandPost | Game command are posted with an associated UPC ID |
CController | Base class for single-task controllers |
CControllerBase | Base class for controllers |
CControllerTask | Generic Task for Controller |
CCreateGatherAttackModule | Generates separate, unspecific UPCTuples for Create, Gather and Delete/Move |
►CDefaultAutoBuildTask | A very simple build order which builds a fixed list of targets and then stops |
CTarget | |
CDefoggerFeaturizer | Copypasted from defoggerFeaturizer on the defogger branch |
CDummyTacticsModule | A simple Tactics module that issues a globally-distributed Delete UPC |
CEnemyState | |
CEnvironmentBuilder | |
CEnvVar | |
CFeatureData | Represents a collection of spatial feature data |
CFeatureDescriptor | Decribes a specific feature within FeatureData |
CFeaturePositionMapper | Maps walktile positions to feature positions for a given bounding box |
CFileDescriptor | File descriptors passed as arguments to ForkServer::fork must be wrapped in this class |
CFixedScenario | |
CFixedScenarioGroup | |
CFixedScenarioPlayer | |
CFogOfWar | Calculates which tiles should be revealed by a unit's vision |
CFogParameters | |
CForkServer | This class lets us fork when using MPI |
CGameMultiPlayer | |
CGameOptions | |
CGamePlayerOptions | |
CGameSinglePlayer | A constructed gameplay scenario for training/testing purposes |
CGameVsBotInOpenBW | Launches a game against a DLL bot using OpenBW |
CGameVsBotInWine | Launches a game series against a bot using StarCraft: Brood War(TM) via Wine |
►CGathererAssignments | Assigns workers to resources for optimal gathering |
CWorkerState | Used internally to track worker statefulness |
CGathererController | Controls gathering workers for GathererModule |
CGathererModule | Manages worker units for resource gathering |
CGenericAutoBuildModule | Loads and uses a build order from the blackboard |
►CHarassModule | Scouts the enemy's base with a worker |
CBuildPolicy | |
CFleePolicy | |
CTargetPolicy | |
CHarassTask | |
CJitter | When featurizing units, we represent each 2D cell as having one unit |
CLambdaModule | Lets you construct a lightweight module by providing your own step() as an std::function |
CLayeredJitter | This jitter class treats all units depending on their height: flying, on the ground or under ground (burrowed) |
CMacroParameters | |
CMasterHarassTask | |
CMicroAction | Represents a decision of how to control a unit |
CMicroModel | |
CMicroPlayer | The main bot object for training scenarios |
CMicroScenarioProvider | |
CMicroScenarioProviderFixed | |
CMicroScenarioProviderRandom | Generates Random armies |
CMicroScenarioProviderSnapshot | Provides scenarios constructed from Snapshots of real games |
CModule | Interface for bot modules |
CMovementTracker | Tracks movement of a set of units to a target location |
CMultiProxyTask | A task that tracks execution of multiple other tasks |
CNoJitter | |
COnceModule | A simple utility module that runs a user-supplied function once per game |
COpenBwProcess | Launches and manages an OpenBW process |
Coverloaded | |
CPlayer | The main bot object for complete games of StarCraft |
CPlayScript | |
CProxyTask | A task that tracks execution of another task (for another UPCTuple) |
CRect2T | |
CReplayer | Play back a Brood War replay using OpenBW |
CReplayerConfiguration | |
CResearchTracker | Tracks research progress |
CResourceWorkers | Data structure for storing the state of our gathering assignments |
CReward | |
CRewardCombat | |
CRewardDefilerProtectZerglings | |
CRewardDefilerWinLoss | |
CRewardKillSpeed | |
CRewardProtectCivilians | |
CRewardProximityTo | |
CRewardProximityToEnemy | |
CSanityFilter | Try to fix the malformed UPCs |
CScenarioProvider | Base class for providing scenarios |
CScenarioUpgradeLevel | |
CScoutingModule | |
CSharedController | Base class for Controllers shared between multiple tasks |
CSharedControllerTask | Generic Task for SharedController |
CSnapshot | A low-resolution snapshot of a game state, intended for producing micro training scenarios |
CSnapshotPlayer | A low-resolution snapshot of a player state, used as a component of Snapshots |
CSnapshotter | Records "snapshots" – low-fidelity recordings of game state which can be loaded as micro scenarios |
CSnapshotUnit | A low-resolution snapshot of a unit state, used as a component of Snapshots |
CSpawnPosition | |
CSquadCombatModule | Module which controls ("micromanages") units into and out of combat |
CSquadTask | SquadTask controls a "squad" of units (units which share the same Delete or Flee UPC) |
CState | Game state |
CStaticDefenceFocusFireModule | This module issues direct attack commands to static defence (sunken colonies, spore colonies, cannons and turrets) in order to focus fire and kill targets more efficiently |
CStrategyModule | |
►CSubclassRegistry | |
CSubclassInfo | |
CTacticsAlwaysFightModule | |
CTacticsFightScores | |
CTacticsGroup | |
CTacticsMapNode | |
CTacticsModule | The Tactics module decides where on the map to allocate combat units |
CTacticsState | |
CTacticsTask | |
CTask | The primary way for modules to publish their activity |
CTaskData | Task and associated owner |
CTCReplayer | Play back a Brood War replay using OpenBW |
CTile | Represents a tile on the map |
►CTilesInfo | Manages and updates per-tile data |
CTileOccupyingBuilding | |
CTopModule | The first module run in each frame |
CTracker | Abstract base class for Trackers |
CUnit | Represents a unit in the game |
►CUnitAttributeFeaturizer | Abstract base class for featurizing unit attributes in a sparse manner |
CData | |
CUnitCount | |
CUnitFlagsFeaturizer | Sparse featurizer for unit flags |
CUnitPresenceFeaturizer | Sparse featurizer for unit presence |
CUnitsInfo | Updates and organizes information about all the units in the game |
CUnitStatFeaturizer | |
CUnitTypeDefoggerFeaturizer | Sparse featurizer for unit types, defogger-style |
CUnitTypeFeaturizer | Sparse featurizer for numeric unit types |
CUnitTypeMDefoggerFeaturizer | A variant of UnitTypeDefoggerFeaturizer that stores the target type of morphing units |
CUPCData | UPCTuple and associated origin |
CUPCFilter | Base class for UPC filters |
CUpcPost | Stores information about UPCs that have been posted to the board |
CUpcPostData | Base class for data attached to the posting of an UPC |
CUpcStorage | Stores a graph of UPC communication, including any transactional data |
CUPCToCommandModule | The last module run in each frame |
CUPCTuple | (Unit, Position, Command) tuple |
CUpgradeTracker | Tracks upgrade development |
CVec2T | |
CWorkerBuilderController | A unit production controller for units that require a worker |
►Ncommon | General utilities |
►Nzstd | |
Ccstream | Provides stream compression functionality |
Cdstream | Provides stream decompression functionality |
Cexception | Custom exception for zstd error codes |
Cfsholder | This class enables [io]fstream below to inherit from [io]stream (required for setting a custom streambuf) while still constructing a corresponding [io]fstream first (required for initializing the Zstd streambufs) |
Cifstream | Input file stream for Zstd-compressed data |
Cistream | |
Cistreambuf | Zstd stream buffer for decompression |
Cofstream | Output file stream that writes Zstd-compressed data |
Costream | Output stream for Zstd-compressed data |
Costreambuf | Zstd stream buffer for compression |
CAssertionFailure | |
CBufferedConsumer | A simple producer/consumer class |
CBufferedProducer | A simple producer class |
CCircularBuffer | |
CDataReader | A multi-threaded reader for cerealized data |
CDataReader_NoTransform | |
CDataReaderIterator | A multi-threaded iterator that performs decerealization of objects and returns data in batches |
CDataReaderTransform | Wrapper for DataReaderIterator that applies an additional transform to the resulting batches |
CException | |
CIMembuf | A stream buffer for reading from a vector of bytes |
CLRUCache | |
COMembuf | A stream buffer for writing to an accessible vector of bytes |
CRand | |
CScopeGuard | |
CWeightSummary | Collects metrics about a container's weights |
►Ncpid | The TorchCraftAI training library |
►Ndistributed | |
CContext | |
CWork | |
CAsyncBatcher | |
CBaseSampler | A sampler takes the output of the model, and outputs an action accordingly |
CBatchedPGReplayBufferFrame | |
CBatchedPGTrainer | Off policy policy gradient with a critic |
CBlobPublisher | Publisher for ZeroMQ PUB-SUB pattern |
CBlobStorage | A simple interface for key-value data blob stores |
CBlobStorageDisk | |
CBlobStorageRedis | Blob storage in Redis |
CBlobSubscriber | Subscriber for ZeroMQ PUB-SUB pattern |
CCentralCpid2kTrainer | A trainer that sends episodes to one or more central instances |
►CCentralTrainer | A trainer that sends episodes to one or more central instances |
CBufferPool | |
CCheckpointer | |
CContinuousDeterministicSampler | This sampler expects as input an unordered_map<string, Variant> containing an entry policyKey, which is a tensor of size [b, n] |
CContinuousGaussianSampler | This sampler expects as input an unordered_map<string, Variant>, containing an entry policyKey, which is a tensor of size [b, n] |
CCpid2kGlobalState | Encapsulates information about the participating peers in a cpid2k job |
CCpid2kHeartBeater | Periodically sends out heartbeats to a Redis instance |
►CCpid2kMetrics | Helper class to aggregate metrics locally, and send them reguarly as events in the redis database as key 'prefix:metricEvents' |
CAggregator | |
CEventMetric | |
CCpid2kWorker | Helper class for job coordination via a central Redis instance |
CCpid2kWorkerInfo | |
CDiscreteMaxSampler | This sampler expects as input an unordered_map<string, Variant>, containing an entry QKey, which is a tensor of size [b, n] |
CEpisodeData | |
CEpisodeTuple | |
CEpsGreedySampler | This sampler expects as input an unordered_map<string, Variant> containing an entry QKey, which is a tensor of size [b, n] |
CESTrainer | |
►CEvaluator | |
Cmake_shared_enabler | |
CHandleGuard | |
►CMetricsContext | |
CTimer | |
CMultinomialSampler | This sampler expects as input an unordered_map<string, Variant>, which contains an entry policyKey, which is a tensor of size [b, n] |
COnlineZORBReplayBufferFrame | State, Action taken, reward Taking in an additional action taken allows you to not just take the max action, but use your own inference strategy, for example, if some actions are invalid |
COnlineZORBTrainer | This is a OnlineZORBTrainer that works with multiple actions per frame |
Cpairhash | |
Cpermanent_lock | This exactly a unique lock that doesn't unlock on delete |
Cpriority_lock | This is exactly an unique_lock without automatic lock, except that the lock functions accepts a priority |
Cpriority_mutex | This class implements a mutex that offers some control over the priority of the waiting threads |
CRedisClient | Simple, synchronous C++ wrapper for the Hiredis Redis client |
CRedisReply | Wrapper class for redisReply from Hiredis |
CRedisStore | C10d::Store for rendez-vous backed by Redis |
CReplayBuffer | Stores an unordered_map[GameUID] = unordered_map[int, Episode] All the public functions here should be autolocking and therefore relatively thread safe |
CReplayBufferFrame | Stub base class for replay buffer frames |
CReqRepClient | A request-reply client backed by ZeroMQ |
CReqRepServer | A request-reply server backed by ZeroMQ |
CRewardBufferFrame | |
CSubBatchAsyncBatcher | A batcher that can operate on (already) batched data Should be used when features have a variable batch dimension, for instance the number of units controlled |
►CTrainer | The Trainer should be shared amongst multiple different nodes, and attached to a single Module |
CEpisodeHandle | |
CZeroMQBufferedConsumer | A buffered consumer that sends data via ZeroMQ |
CZeroMQBufferedProducer | A buffered producer that obtains data via ZeroMQ |
CZOBackpropModel | See trainer for output format of these models |
►Nfmt | |
Cformatter< cherrypi::Vec2T< T > > | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< cherrypi::Command > | |
Chash< cherrypi::Vec2T< T > > | |
Chash< torchcraft::BW::UnitType > | |
►Ntcbwapi | |
CTCGame | |
CTCUnit | |
►Ntorchcraft | Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc |
►NBW | |
►Nreplayer | |
►Ndetail | |
CUnitDiff | |
CAction | |
CBullet | |
CFrame | |
CFrameDiff | |
CMap | |
COrder | |
CReplayer | |
CResources | |
CUnit | |
CUnitCommand | |
►CClient | |
CCommand | |
COptions | |
►CState | |
CPlayerInfo | |
CPosition | |
►Nvisdom | |
CConnectionParams | |
COptionPair | |
CVisdom | |
CVisdomImpl | |
CRefCounted | Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc |