A bot for machine learning research on StarCraft: Brood War
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common Namespace Reference

General utilities. More...


 Utility functions for interacting with the file system.


class  AssertionFailure
class  BufferedConsumer
 A simple producer/consumer class. More...
class  BufferedProducer
 A simple producer class. More...
class  CircularBuffer
class  DataReader
 A multi-threaded reader for cerealized data. More...
struct  DataReader_NoTransform
class  DataReaderIterator
 A multi-threaded iterator that performs decerealization of objects and returns data in batches. More...
class  DataReaderTransform
 Wrapper for DataReaderIterator that applies an additional transform to the resulting batches. More...
class  Exception
class  IMembuf
 A stream buffer for reading from a vector of bytes. More...
class  LRUCache
class  OMembuf
 A stream buffer for writing to an accessible vector of bytes. More...
class  Rand
class  ScopeGuard
struct  WeightSummary
 Collects metrics about a container's weights. More...


using VarList = torch::autograd::variable_list
using HookFunction = std::function< VarList(const VarList &, const VarList &)>
using TensorTransform = std::function< torch::Tensor(torch::Tensor)>
 This is a convenience function to apply a tensor transformation to a complex type. More...
using DataReaderThreadInitF = std::function< void()>
using hires_clock = std::chrono::steady_clock


enum  PadType { PadType::Zero, PadType::Reflection, PadType::Replication }
enum  ConcatType { ConcatType::None, ConcatType::Input, ConcatType::Mirror }
enum  UpsamplingType { UpsamplingType::None, UpsamplingType::Bilin, UpsamplingType::Deconv }
enum  DecodeType { DecodeType::None, DecodeType::Conv, DecodeType::Deconv }
enum  DilationScheme { DilationScheme::None, DilationScheme::Linear, DilationScheme::Exponential }
enum  UpsampleMode { UpsampleMode::Nearest, UpsampleMode::Linear, UpsampleMode::Bilinear, UpsampleMode::Trilinear }
 Mimics pytorch's upsample function. More...


backward::StackTrace createStackTrace ()
std::string tensorInfo (torch::Tensor x)
 Returns a string containing the tensor type and sizes. More...
std::string variantInfo (ag::Variant x)
 Returns a string describing the content of a variant. More...
std::string tensorStats (torch::Tensor x)
 Returns a string containing the tensor info, the max/min/mean and sum. More...
void checkTensor (torch::Tensor x, bool logOnError=true)
 Throws if the given float tensor has a NaN or +/- infinity. More...
torch::Tensor const & addHook (torch::Tensor const &tensor, HookFunction &&f)
 Adds a hook to the backwards of the variable. More...
void assertSize (const std::string &name, const torch::Tensor &tensor, at::IntList sizes)
 Verifies that a tensor's dimension sizes match expectations. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const WeightSummary &summary)
std::pair< int64_t, int64_t > torchMemoryUsage (int device=0)
 Show the current memory usage, the first element is the amount allocated, or currently used by tensors that are alive, and the second element is the amount cached by the caching allocator. More...
torch::Tensor normalPDF (torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor mean, torch::Tensor std)
 Compute the PDF of the normal law. More...
torch::Tensor normalPDF (torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor mean, double std)
 Simple MLP of nLayers layers, with hidden size all being the same. More...
 Simple convolutional block, with optional residual connection From a user perspective, the convolution parameters behave the same as if the block was a single conv layer. More...
torch::Tensor repeat2d (torch::Tensor data, at::IntList sizes)
 Repeat a 1D tensor so that you end up with a (#channels, sizes[0], size[1]) tensor. More...
torch::Tensor scatterSum2d (torch::Tensor positions, torch::Tensor data, at::IntList sizes)
 Scatter data into dest at given positions. More...
torch::Tensor makeBatch (ag::tensor_list const &, double pad=0)
 Equivalent to a stack along dim 0 of the input, but with the values padded correct so the size is rectangular. More...
ag::Variant makeBatchVariant (const std::vector< ag::Variant > &queries, double pad=0)
 This function works similarly as makeBatch but handles more input types. More...
std::vector< ag::Variant > unBatchVariant (ag::Variant const &batch, int stride=1, bool maskOut=false, double maskValue=-1)
 This function is the opposite of makeBatchVariant. More...
torch::Tensor pad2d (torch::Tensor input, at::IntList pad)
 Zero-padding (only supports 3d input) More...
torch::Tensor padNd (torch::Tensor input, at::IntList pad)
 Zero-padding (for any number of dimensions) For every dimensions of the input, pad contains 2 elements: the padding before and after along this dimension. More...
torch::Tensor flip (torch::Tensor x, int dim)
 Flips a tensor along a given dimension. More...
torch::Tensor upsample (torch::Tensor input, UpsampleMode mode, at::IntList size)
torch::Tensor upsample (torch::Tensor input, UpsampleMode mode, int scaleFactor)
void zerosToOnes_ (torch::Tensor x)
 Replace (in-place) all zeroes of x by ones. More...
torch::Tensor tensorFromNpyArray (cnpy::NpyArray array, torch::TensorOptions op)
torch::Tensor squash (torch::Tensor x, int i, int j)
 Squash contiguous dimensions of a tensor into a single dimension. More...
torch::Tensor unsquash (torch::Tensor x, int i, at::IntList sizes)
 Unsquash a dimension of a tensor into several dimensions. More...
torch::Tensor maskedSum (torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor mask)
 Sum x across non-masked indices. More...
torch::Tensor maskedMean (torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor mask)
 Average x over non-masked indices, returning 0 if all indices are masked. More...
torch::Tensor mseLoss (torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor y, torch::Tensor mask, bool sizeAverage=true, bool reduce=true)
 Computes the MSE loss between x and y. More...
torch::Tensor crossEntropyLoss (torch::Tensor input, int dim, torch::Tensor target, torch::Tensor weight, torch::Tensor mask, Reduction::Reduction reduction)
torch::Tensor nllLoss (torch::Tensor input, int dim, torch::Tensor target, torch::Tensor weight, torch::Tensor mask, Reduction::Reduction reduction)
void clipGradientNorms (std::vector< torch::Tensor > parameters, float maxNorm)
 Rescale gradients so that the norm of all gradients (concatenated) is smaller than maxNorm. More...
torch::Tensor maskedSoftmax (torch::Tensor input, torch::Tensor mask, int dim, float clampEpsilon=0)
 Compute a masked softmax of a tensor in a numerically stable way by removing the max value before exponentiating. More...
std::tuple< torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor > maskedMax (torch::Tensor input, torch::Tensor mask, int dim, bool keepDim=false)
 Compute a masked max/argmax of a tensor. More...
torch::Tensor weightedMaskedSoftmax (torch::Tensor input, torch::Tensor mask, int dim, float clampEpsilon=0)
 Compute a weighted masked softmax of a tensor in a numerically stable way by removing the max value before exponentiating. More...
torch::Tensor selectIndex (torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor y, int axis, bool keepDim)
torch::Tensor extendIndex (torch::Tensor y, int axis, int d)
 Returns a byte tensor x such that selectIndex(x, y, axis) are only 1s. More...
void maskedCopy_ (torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor mask, torch::Tensor source)
 For 1D tensors, this is equivalent to: x[i] <- source[i] if mask[i] == 1. More...
torch::Tensor maskedCopy (torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor mask, torch::Tensor source)
 Immutable masked copy (equivalent to x.clone().maskedCopy_()). More...
void putNd_ (torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor index, torch::Tensor source, bool accumulate=false)
 Copies elements from source into x at positions determined by index. More...
torch::Tensor takeNd (torch::Tensor x, torch::Tensor index)
 Inverse operation of putNd_. More...
torch::Tensor indexMean (int size, int dim, torch::Tensor index, torch::Tensor source)
 Like zeros.index_add_ but with the mean. More...
torch::Tensor unsqueezes (int before, torch::Tensor x, int after)
 Do multiple unsqueezes on first and last dimensions. More...
torch::Tensor meshGrid (ag::tensor_list tensors)
 Takes N 1D tensors xi of size Xi and returns a tensor y of size X1 x ... More...
ag::Variant applyTransform (ag::Variant input, const TensorTransform &fun)
at::Device getVariantDevice (ag::Variant const &x)
 Utility to get the device of a variant. More...
bool gpuAvailable ()
 Checks if a CUDA GPU is available. More...
std::string toHex (std::vector< uint8_t > const &digest)
std::vector< uint8_t > sha256sum (void const *data, size_t len)
std::vector< uint8_t > md5sum (void const *data, size_t len)
std::vector< uint8_t > sha256sum (std::string_view data)
std::vector< uint8_t > sha256sum (std::vector< uint8_t > const &data)
std::vector< uint8_t > md5sum (std::string_view data)
std::vector< uint8_t > md5sum (std::vector< uint8_t > const &data)
template<typename T , typename F >
std::unique_ptr< DataReaderTransform< T, F > > makeDataReaderTransform (std::unique_ptr< DataReaderIterator< T >> &&it, F &&function, DataReaderThreadInitF init=DataReader_NoopF)
template<typename T >
auto makeDataReader (std::vector< std::string > paths, size_t numThreads, size_t batchSize, std::string pathPrefix=std::string(), DataReaderThreadInitF init=DataReader_NoopF)
template<typename T , typename F >
auto makeDataReader (std::vector< std::string > paths, size_t numThreads, size_t batchSize, F transform, std::string pathPrefix=std::string(), DataReaderThreadInitF init=DataReader_NoopF)
template<typename Enumeration >
auto enumAsInt (Enumeration const value) -> typename std::underlying_type< Enumeration >::type
template<class Function >
ScopeGuard< Function > makeGuard (Function f)
template<class T , class Compare >
constexpr const T & clamp (const T &v, const T &lo, const T &hi, Compare comp)
template<class T >
constexpr const T & clamp (const T &v, const T &lo, const T &hi)
template<class T >
constexpr const T & safeClamp (const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3)
std::string randId (size_t len)
template<typename Iter , typename RandomGenerator >
Iter select_randomly (Iter start, Iter end, RandomGenerator &g)
std::vector< std::string > stringSplit (char const *str, size_t len, char sep, size_t max)
 Split a string into parts deliminted by the given separtion character. More...
std::vector< std::string > stringSplit (char const *str, char sep, size_t max)
std::vector< std::string > stringSplit (std::string const &str, char sep, size_t max)
bool startsWith (std::string const &str, std::string const &prefix)
bool endsWith (std::string const &str, std::string const &suffix)
bool gmatch (std::string_view str, std::string_view pattern)
 Glob-style pattern matching. More...
bool gmatchi (std::string_view str, std::string_view pattern)
 Glob-style pattern matching (case-insensitive) More...
template<typename T >
std::string stringToLower (T &&str)
template<typename T >
std::string joinVector (std::vector< T > const &v, char sep)
double memoryUsage ()
void setCurrentThreadName (std::string const &name)
double timestamp (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point tp=std::chrono::system_clock::now())


auto const DataReader_NoopF = [] {}

Detailed Description

General utilities.

Typedef Documentation

using common::DataReaderThreadInitF = typedef std::function<void()>
using common::hires_clock = typedef std::chrono::steady_clock
using common::HookFunction = typedef std::function<VarList(const VarList&, const VarList&)>
using common::TensorTransform = typedef std::function<torch::Tensor(torch::Tensor)>

This is a convenience function to apply a tensor transformation to a complex type.

For example, you would like to write something like t = t.view(-1), but t is a tensor_list (and you'd like the operation to be applied to each element of the list). You can write instead t = applyTransform(t, [](torch::Tensor t){return t.view(-1);});

using common::VarList = typedef torch::autograd::variable_list

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum common::ConcatType

No concatenation.


Always concatenate input.

Concatenate input of mirror layer

enum common::DecodeType

No decoding.


Decode with convolutions.

Decode with transposed convolutions


No dilation.


The dilation increases linearly at each layer.

The dilation increases exponentially

enum common::PadType
enum common::UpsampleMode

Mimics pytorch's upsample function.


No upsampling.


Bilinear upsampling (fixed)

Learnt upsampling (transposed convolution)

Function Documentation

torch::Tensor const & common::addHook ( torch::Tensor const &  tensor,
HookFunction &&  f 

Adds a hook to the backwards of the variable.

The hook function takes gradInput and gradOutput, and should by default return gradInput, that is, the identity function looks like: [](VarList const& gradInp, Varlist const& gradOutp) { return gradInp; }

ag::Variant common::applyTransform ( ag::Variant  input,
const TensorTransform fun 
void common::assertSize ( const std::string &  name,
const torch::Tensor &  tensor,
at::IntList  sizes 

Verifies that a tensor's dimension sizes match expectations.

If a dimension is negative (e.g. -1) it won't be checked. Throws a std::range_error if they don't.


Simple MLP of nLayers layers, with hidden size all being the same.

Optionally, we can zero the last layer, which is useful if the output is suppose to be a probability distribution since values will be uniform after softmax


Simple convolutional block, with optional residual connection From a user perspective, the convolution parameters behave the same as if the block was a single conv layer.

For example if the stride is 2, the output will be twice smaller than the input, irrespective of the number of inner layers. In practice the stride and dilation are only applied to the first layer. The block also applies padding to compensate for the kernel size and the dilation. That means that if the input is size hxw, the output will be h'xw' with h' = (h - 1)/stride + 1 and w' = (w-1)/stride + 1

Number of feature channels in the input

Number of feature channels in the output

Non linearity inserted between each convolution

If true, the module performs transposed convolutions instead

Size of the convolution kernels (we use kernelSize X kernelSize)

Stride of the convolutions

Dilation of the convolutions

Add a residual convolution when true

Add a batchNorm layers where appropriate, if true

If true, the intermediate convolutions will have 4 times less features than the output

Number of convolution layers

Bias in the convolutions

Whether to use gated convolutions

How to pad

common::AUTOGRAD_CONTAINER_CLASS ( EncoderDecoder  )

Shape of the input, given as [c,h,w], where c is the number of channels, h is the height and w the width

Number of feature channels in the intermediate layers

Number of feature channels in the output

Non linearity inserted between each convolution

Strategy for concatening previous layers during decoding

Strategy for upsampling, when needed

Strategy for decoding

Strategy for dilation

Size of the convolution kernels (we use kernelSize X kernelSize)

Stride of the convolutions

Add a residual convolution when true

Add a batchNorm layers where appropriate, if true

If true, the intermediate convolutions will have 4 times less features than the output

Number of Convolutional blocks in the encoding (if there is decoding, it will contain the same amount of blocks)

Number of convolution layers in each block

Bias in the convolutions

Whether to use gated convolutions

void common::checkTensor ( torch::Tensor  x,
bool  logOnError 

Throws if the given float tensor has a NaN or +/- infinity.

template<class T , class Compare >
constexpr const T& common::clamp ( const T &  v,
const T &  lo,
const T &  hi,
Compare  comp 
template<class T >
constexpr const T& common::clamp ( const T &  v,
const T &  lo,
const T &  hi 
void common::clipGradientNorms ( std::vector< torch::Tensor >  parameters,
float  maxNorm 

Rescale gradients so that the norm of all gradients (concatenated) is smaller than maxNorm.

backward::StackTrace common::createStackTrace ( )
torch::Tensor common::crossEntropyLoss ( torch::Tensor  input,
int  dim,
torch::Tensor  target,
torch::Tensor  weight,
torch::Tensor  mask,
Reduction::Reduction  reduction 
bool common::endsWith ( std::string const &  str,
std::string const &  suffix 
template<typename Enumeration >
auto common::enumAsInt ( Enumeration const  value) -> typename std::underlying_type<Enumeration>::type
torch::Tensor common::extendIndex ( torch::Tensor  y,
int  axis,
int  d 

Returns a byte tensor x such that selectIndex(x, y, axis) are only 1s.

y is of shape ... x 1 x ... x is of shape ... x d x ...

torch::Tensor common::flip ( torch::Tensor  x,
int  dim 

Flips a tensor along a given dimension.

y[-a-,i,-b-] = x[-a-,n-i-1,-b-]

at::Device common::getVariantDevice ( ag::Variant const &  x)

Utility to get the device of a variant.

If the variants contains several tensors, we assume they have the same device

bool common::gmatch ( std::string_view  str,
std::string_view  pattern 

Glob-style pattern matching.

bool common::gmatchi ( std::string_view  str,
std::string_view  pattern 

Glob-style pattern matching (case-insensitive)

bool common::gpuAvailable ( )

Checks if a CUDA GPU is available.

torch::Tensor common::indexMean ( int  size,
int  dim,
torch::Tensor  index,
torch::Tensor  source 

Like zeros.index_add_ but with the mean.

source has shape X1 x ... Xdim-1 x N x Xdim+1 x ... Xd index has shape N, with values ranging from 0 to size - 1 x (return value) has shape X1 x ... Xdim-1 x size x Xdim+1 x ... x Xd x[-a-,i,-b-] is the mean of {source[-a-,j,-b-] where index[j]=i} and zero if this set is empty.

template<typename T >
std::string common::joinVector ( std::vector< T > const &  v,
char  sep 
torch::Tensor common::makeBatch ( ag::tensor_list const &  ,
double  pad = 0 

Equivalent to a stack along dim 0 of the input, but with the values padded correct so the size is rectangular.

For example, if the list has size [(6, 2), (5, 2), (7, 3)] The result is a tensor of (3, 7, 3)

ag::Variant common::makeBatchVariant ( const std::vector< ag::Variant > &  queries,
double  pad = 0 

This function works similarly as makeBatch but handles more input types.

The queries variants are requested to be the same type (we tolerate to mix tensors and size 1 tensor_list) It behaves as follows, depending on the variant type:

  • If the queries are tensors, it calls makeBatch and returns a tensor
  • If the queries are dict, it batches each key individually, and returns a dict. Note that all queries must contain the same keys
  • If the queriest are a tensor_list, it batches each item of the list individually, and returns a tensor_list. Note that all the queries must have the same number of tensors, semantically in the same order.
template<typename T >
auto common::makeDataReader ( std::vector< std::string >  paths,
size_t  numThreads,
size_t  batchSize,
std::string  pathPrefix = std::string(),
DataReaderThreadInitF  init = DataReader_NoopF 
template<typename T , typename F >
auto common::makeDataReader ( std::vector< std::string >  paths,
size_t  numThreads,
size_t  batchSize,
std::string  pathPrefix = std::string(),
DataReaderThreadInitF  init = DataReader_NoopF 
template<typename T , typename F >
std::unique_ptr<DataReaderTransform<T, F> > common::makeDataReaderTransform ( std::unique_ptr< DataReaderIterator< T >> &&  it,
F &&  function,
DataReaderThreadInitF  init = DataReader_NoopF 
template<class Function >
ScopeGuard<Function> common::makeGuard ( Function  f)
torch::Tensor common::maskedCopy ( torch::Tensor  x,
torch::Tensor  mask,
torch::Tensor  source 

Immutable masked copy (equivalent to x.clone().maskedCopy_()).

NOTE: this does not work if x contains NaNs or infinities! mask should have the same type as x.

void common::maskedCopy_ ( torch::Tensor  x,
torch::Tensor  mask,
torch::Tensor  source 

For 1D tensors, this is equivalent to: x[i] <- source[i] if mask[i] == 1.

std::tuple< torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor > common::maskedMax ( torch::Tensor  input,
torch::Tensor  mask,
int  dim,
bool  keepDim = false 

Compute a masked max/argmax of a tensor.

The passed in mask must be a variable of 0.0's and 1.0's (floats) of the same shape as the input.

  • input is a float tensor of the same shape as the mask
  • mask is a binary float tensor of the same shape as the input
  • dim is the dimension along which to apply the softmax
  • keepDim is whether to squeeze the resulting tensors or not

Returns the output after masking and softmaxing. NOTE: behavior is undefined if mask is zero for some batch.

torch::Tensor common::maskedMean ( torch::Tensor  x,
torch::Tensor  mask 

Average x over non-masked indices, returning 0 if all indices are masked.

This does not work if x contains NaNs or infinities at masked indices.

  • mask should be expandable to x's shape
  • returns a scalar which is a masked average of x.
torch::Tensor common::maskedSoftmax ( torch::Tensor  input,
torch::Tensor  mask,
int  dim,
float  clampEpsilon = 0 

Compute a masked softmax of a tensor in a numerically stable way by removing the max value before exponentiating.

The passed in mask must be a variable of 0.0's and 1.0's (floats) of the same shape as the input.

  • input is a float tensor of the same shape as the mask
  • mask is a binary float tensor of the same shape as the input
  • dim is the dimension along which to apply the softmax
  • clampEpsilon is the minimum value to clamp the output to

Returns the output after masking and softmaxing.

torch::Tensor common::maskedSum ( torch::Tensor  x,
torch::Tensor  mask 

Sum x across non-masked indices.

This does not work if x contains NaNs or infinities at masked indices.

  • mask should be expandable to x's shape
  • returns a scalar which is a masked sum of x.
std::vector<uint8_t> common::md5sum ( std::string_view  data)
std::vector<uint8_t> common::md5sum ( std::vector< uint8_t > const &  data)
std::vector< uint8_t > common::md5sum ( void const *  data,
size_t  len 
double common::memoryUsage ( )
torch::Tensor common::meshGrid ( ag::tensor_list  tensors)

Takes N 1D tensors xi of size Xi and returns a tensor y of size X1 x ...

x XN x N such that y[a1]...[aN][i] = xi[ai].

torch::Tensor common::mseLoss ( torch::Tensor  x,
torch::Tensor  y,
torch::Tensor  mask,
bool  sizeAverage = true,
bool  reduce = true 

Computes the MSE loss between x and y.

  • x and y must have same shape, and mask be expandable to x's shape
  • if reduce is true, losses will be summed or averaged depending on sizeAverage (averaged over non-masked indices)
  • returns a scalar if reduce is true, otherwise a x-like tensor (with zeros at masked indices)
torch::Tensor common::nllLoss ( torch::Tensor  input,
int  dim,
torch::Tensor  target,
torch::Tensor  weight,
torch::Tensor  mask,
Reduction::Reduction  reduction 
torch::Tensor common::normalPDF ( torch::Tensor  x,
torch::Tensor  mean,
torch::Tensor  std 

Compute the PDF of the normal law.

torch::Tensor common::normalPDF ( torch::Tensor  x,
torch::Tensor  mean,
double  std 
std::ostream & common::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const WeightSummary summary 
torch::Tensor common::pad2d ( torch::Tensor  input,
at::IntList  pad 

Zero-padding (only supports 3d input)

torch::Tensor common::padNd ( torch::Tensor  input,
at::IntList  pad 

Zero-padding (for any number of dimensions) For every dimensions of the input, pad contains 2 elements: the padding before and after along this dimension.

void common::putNd_ ( torch::Tensor  x,
torch::Tensor  index,
torch::Tensor  source,
bool  accumulate = false 

Copies elements from source into x at positions determined by index.

If accumulate is true, adds instead of copy (otherwise, indices should appear at most once in index). x has shape X1 x .. x XD index has shape N x D source has shape N For 2D tensors, this is equivalent to: x[index[i][0], index[i][1]] <- source[i]

std::string common::randId ( size_t  len)
torch::Tensor common::repeat2d ( torch::Tensor  data,
at::IntList  sizes 

Repeat a 1D tensor so that you end up with a (#channels, sizes[0], size[1]) tensor.

template<class T >
constexpr const T& common::safeClamp ( const T &  v1,
const T &  v2,
const T &  v3 
torch::Tensor common::scatterSum2d ( torch::Tensor  positions,
torch::Tensor  data,
at::IntList  sizes 

Scatter data into dest at given positions.

Depending on device that data lives on, different algorithms will be used:

  • For CPU tensors, multiple scatter_add_ calls are used in order to sum up channels for duplicate positions
  • For GPU tensors, data will be scattered onto all planes in a single scatter_ call and summed up afterwards. This means the function will allocate an intermediate buffer of size (b, c, np, H, W) if there are no more than np duplicate positions.

There's a benchmark for this function in the corresponding unit tests.

positions is a (b, n, 2) integer tensor with elements greater than or equal to zero. positions[i][0] refers to the Y position, positions[i][1] to the X position of the data entry i. data is a (b, n, c) tensor. Each of the n entries will be placed in dest according to the respective position. Entries on each batch until the first negative entry will be considered. sizes is the {H, W} tuple of the size of the plane to scatter onto.

For single element, it's sufficient to unsqueeze(0) for it to look batched. Positions don't have to be unique – this function performs sum-pooling by default. The output is of size (b, c, y, x), similar to the input to a convnet.

template<typename Iter , typename RandomGenerator >
Iter common::select_randomly ( Iter  start,
Iter  end,
RandomGenerator &  g 
torch::Tensor common::selectIndex ( torch::Tensor  x,
torch::Tensor  y,
int  axis,
bool  keepDim 
void common::setCurrentThreadName ( std::string const &  name)
std::vector<uint8_t> common::sha256sum ( std::string_view  data)
std::vector<uint8_t> common::sha256sum ( std::vector< uint8_t > const &  data)
std::vector< uint8_t > common::sha256sum ( void const *  data,
size_t  len 
torch::Tensor common::squash ( torch::Tensor  x,
int  i,
int  j 

Squash contiguous dimensions of a tensor into a single dimension.

The dimensions [i..j] (both included) will be squashed into a single one. So if x is of size s_1 x ... x s_d, the returned tensor will be a view of x of size s_1 x ... x s_i-1 x s_i * s_i+1 * ... * s_j x s_j+1 x ... x s_d.

bool common::startsWith ( std::string const &  str,
std::string const &  prefix 
std::vector< std::string > common::stringSplit ( char const *  str,
size_t  len,
char  sep,
size_t  max 

Split a string into parts deliminted by the given separtion character.

This will repeatedly call getline() with sep as the delimitation character. If max is >= 0, at most max splits will be performed (cf. Python's split() function).

std::vector< std::string > common::stringSplit ( char const *  str,
char  sep,
size_t  max 
std::vector< std::string > common::stringSplit ( std::string const &  str,
char  sep,
size_t  max 
template<typename T >
std::string common::stringToLower ( T &&  str)
torch::Tensor common::takeNd ( torch::Tensor  x,
torch::Tensor  index 

Inverse operation of putNd_.

x has shape X1 x .. x Xd index has shape N x d y (return value) has shape N For 2D tensors, this is equivalent to: y[i] = x[index[i][0], index[i][1]];

torch::Tensor common::tensorFromNpyArray ( cnpy::NpyArray  array,
torch::TensorOptions  op 
std::string common::tensorInfo ( torch::Tensor  x)

Returns a string containing the tensor type and sizes.

std::string common::tensorStats ( torch::Tensor  x)

Returns a string containing the tensor info, the max/min/mean and sum.

double common::timestamp ( std::chrono::system_clock::time_point  tp = std::chrono::system_clock::now())
std::string common::toHex ( std::vector< uint8_t > const &  digest)
std::pair< int64_t, int64_t > common::torchMemoryUsage ( int  device = 0)

Show the current memory usage, the first element is the amount allocated, or currently used by tensors that are alive, and the second element is the amount cached by the caching allocator.

WARNING: This function will call cudaDeviceSynchronize, so it's extremely expensive, and should not be in any training runs unless it's hidden behind an if statement.

std::vector< ag::Variant > common::unBatchVariant ( ag::Variant const &  batch,
int  stride = 1,
bool  maskOut = false,
double  maskValue = -1 

This function is the opposite of makeBatchVariant.

It assumes that the tensors to be found in the batch have a first dimension of size b, interpreted as the batch dimension. It will take slices of size

torch::Tensor common::unsquash ( torch::Tensor  x,
int  i,
at::IntList  sizes 

Unsquash a dimension of a tensor into several dimensions.

Replace the i-th dimension of x by sizes (this augments the number of dimensions of x). The product of the elements of sizes should be x.size(i) (sizes can also contain a -1). If x is of size s_1 x ... x s_d, the returned tensor will be a view of x of size s_1 x ... x s_i-1 x sizes x s_i+1 x ... s_d.

torch::Tensor common::unsqueezes ( int  before,
torch::Tensor  x,
int  after 

Do multiple unsqueezes on first and last dimensions.

torch::Tensor common::upsample ( torch::Tensor  input,
UpsampleMode  mode,
at::IntList  size 
torch::Tensor common::upsample ( torch::Tensor  input,
UpsampleMode  mode,
int  scaleFactor 
std::string common::variantInfo ( ag::Variant  x)

Returns a string describing the content of a variant.

torch::Tensor common::weightedMaskedSoftmax ( torch::Tensor  input,
torch::Tensor  mask,
int  dim,
float  clampEpsilon = 0 

Compute a weighted masked softmax of a tensor in a numerically stable way by removing the max value before exponentiating.

The passed in mask must be a variable of floats of the same shape as the input. It should include weighting and masking as desired (it need not be binary).

  • input is a float tensor of the same shape as the mask
  • mask is a float tensor of the same shape as the input
  • dim is the dimension along which to apply the softmax
  • clampEpsilon is the minimum value to clamp the output to

Returns the output after weighting, masking, and softmaxing.

void common::zerosToOnes_ ( torch::Tensor  x)

Replace (in-place) all zeroes of x by ones.

Variable Documentation

auto const common::DataReader_NoopF = [] {}