A bot for machine learning research on StarCraft: Brood War
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 Ccherrypi::AgentAn Agent represents the micromanagement state of one of our units
 Ccherrypi::AreaRepresents an area on the map
 Ccherrypi::AreaInfoAccess point for area and base information
 Ccherrypi::BasePlayerThe main bot object
 Ccpid::BaseSamplerA sampler takes the output of the model, and outputs an action accordingly
 Ccherrypi::BehaviorA Behavior is a self-contained situational micro rule
 Ccherrypi::BlackboardAn access-aware blackboard
 Ccpid::BlobPublisherPublisher for ZeroMQ PUB-SUB pattern
 Ccpid::BlobStorageA simple interface for key-value data blob stores
 Ccpid::BlobSubscriberSubscriber for ZeroMQ PUB-SUB pattern
 Ccommon::BufferedConsumer< T >A simple producer/consumer class
 Ccommon::BufferedConsumer< Request >
 Ccommon::BufferedProducer< T >A simple producer class
 Ccherrypi::BuilderControllerDataShared data among all builder controllers
 Ccherrypi::BuildingPlacerSampleDescribes a sample that can be used to learn the BuildingPlacerModel
 Ccherrypi::model::BuildOrderConfigDefines a build order, from the standpoint of strategy selection
 Ccherrypi::model::BuildOrderCountHandle on a vector of victory status for each game, giving easy access to relevant figures
 Ccherrypi::autobuild::BuildStateDescribes a state of the game, either now or in a hypothetical future, for use in AutoBuilds
 Ccherrypi::BuildTypeRepresents and holds information about buildable types (units, upgrades, techs)
 Ccommon::CircularBuffer< T >
 Ccommon::CircularBuffer< std::vector< cherrypi::CommandPost > >
 Ccherrypi::CombatSimPredicts the outcome of a hypothetical fight by simulating unit movements/attacks
 Ccherrypi::CommandPostGame command are posted with an associated UPC ID
 Ccherrypi::ControllerBaseBase class for controllers
 Ccpid::Cpid2kGlobalStateEncapsulates information about the participating peers in a cpid2k job
 Ccpid::Cpid2kHeartBeaterPeriodically sends out heartbeats to a Redis instance
 Ccpid::Cpid2kMetricsHelper class to aggregate metrics locally, and send them reguarly as events in the redis database as key 'prefix:metricEvents'
 Ccpid::Cpid2kWorkerHelper class for job coordination via a central Redis instance
 Ccommon::zstd::cstreamProvides stream compression functionality
 Ccommon::DataReader< T, F >A multi-threaded reader for cerealized data
 Ccommon::DataReader< cherrypi::Snapshot >
 Ccommon::DataReaderIterator< T >A multi-threaded iterator that performs decerealization of objects and returns data in batches
 Ccommon::DataReaderIterator< cherrypi::Snapshot >
 Ccommon::DataReaderTransform< T, F >Wrapper for DataReaderIterator that applies an additional transform to the resulting batches
 Ccherrypi::DefoggerFeaturizerCopypasted from defoggerFeaturizer on the defogger branch
 Ccommon::zstd::dstreamProvides stream decompression functionality
 Ccherrypi::model::EnemyHistoryClass holding a playedGames vector for a given enemy
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Ccherrypi::FeatureDataRepresents a collection of spatial feature data
 Ccherrypi::FeatureDescriptorDecribes a specific feature within FeatureData
 Ccherrypi::FeaturePositionMapperMaps walktile positions to feature positions for a given bounding box
 Ccherrypi::FileDescriptorFile descriptors passed as arguments to ForkServer::fork must be wrapped in this class
 Ccherrypi::FogOfWarCalculates which tiles should be revealed by a unit's vision
 Ccherrypi::ForkServerThis class lets us fork when using MPI
 Cfmt::formatter< cherrypi::Vec2T< T > >
 Ccommon::zstd::fsholder< T >This class enables [io]fstream below to inherit from [io]stream (required for setting a custom streambuf) while still constructing a corresponding [io]fstream first (required for initializing the Zstd streambufs)
 Ccommon::zstd::fsholder< std::ifstream >
 Ccommon::zstd::fsholder< std::ofstream >
 Ccherrypi::GameSinglePlayerA constructed gameplay scenario for training/testing purposes
 Ccherrypi::GameVsBotInOpenBWLaunches a game against a DLL bot using OpenBW
 Ccherrypi::GameVsBotInWineLaunches a game series against a bot using StarCraft: Brood War(TM) via Wine
 Ccherrypi::GathererAssignmentsAssigns workers to resources for optimal gathering
 Cstd::hash< cherrypi::Command >
 Cstd::hash< cherrypi::Vec2T< T > >
 Cstd::hash< torchcraft::BW::UnitType >
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Ccommon::LRUCache< K, V >
 Ccherrypi::MicroActionRepresents a decision of how to control a unit
 Ccherrypi::bos::ModelRunnerHelper class for running BOS models
 Ccherrypi::ModuleInterface for bot modules
 Ccherrypi::OpenBwProcessLaunches and manages an OpenBW process
 Ccpid::permanent_lock< Mutex_t >This exactly a unique lock that doesn't unlock on delete
 Ccherrypi::movefilters::PositionFilterAssigns positions a score and validity, based on some criteria
 Ccpid::priority_lockThis is exactly an unique_lock without automatic lock, except that the lock functions accepts a priority
 Ccpid::priority_mutexThis class implements a mutex that offers some control over the priority of the waiting threads
 Ccherrypi::Rect2T< T >
 Ccherrypi::Rect2T< int >
 Ccpid::RedisClientSimple, synchronous C++ wrapper for the Hiredis Redis client
 Ccpid::RedisReplyWrapper class for redisReply from Hiredis
 CRefCountedCopyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc
 Ccpid::ReplayBufferStores an unordered_map[GameUID] = unordered_map[int, Episode] All the public functions here should be autolocking and therefore relatively thread safe
 Ccpid::ReplayBufferFrameStub base class for replay buffer frames
 Ccpid::ReqRepClientA request-reply client backed by ZeroMQ
 Ccpid::ReqRepServerA request-reply server backed by ZeroMQ
 Ccherrypi::ResourceWorkersData structure for storing the state of our gathering assignments
 Ccherrypi::ScenarioProviderBase class for providing scenarios
 Ccommon::ScopeGuard< Function >
 Ccherrypi::SnapshotA low-resolution snapshot of a game state, intended for producing micro training scenarios
 Ccherrypi::SnapshotPlayerA low-resolution snapshot of a player state, used as a component of Snapshots
 Ccherrypi::SnapshotterRecords "snapshots" – low-fidelity recordings of game state which can be loaded as micro scenarios
 Ccherrypi::SnapshotUnitA low-resolution snapshot of a unit state, used as a component of Snapshots
 Ccherrypi::StateGame state
 Ccherrypi::BuildingPlacerSample::StaticDataGame-dependent input features
 Ccherrypi::SubclassRegistry< Base, Args >::SubclassInfo
 Ccherrypi::SubclassRegistry< Base, Args >
 Ccherrypi::TaskThe primary way for modules to publish their activity
 Ccherrypi::TaskDataTask and associated owner
 Ccherrypi::TCReplayerPlay back a Brood War replay using OpenBW
 Ccherrypi::TileRepresents a tile on the map
 Ccherrypi::TilesInfoManages and updates per-tile data
 Ccherrypi::TrackerAbstract base class for Trackers
 Ccpid::TrainerThe Trainer should be shared amongst multiple different nodes, and attached to a single Module
 Ccherrypi::CherryVisDumperModule::Logger::TypeInfo< T, _U >
 Ccherrypi::UnitRepresents a unit in the game
 Ccherrypi::UnitAttributeFeaturizerAbstract base class for featurizing unit attributes in a sparse manner
 Ccherrypi::UnitsInfoUpdates and organizes information about all the units in the game
 Ccherrypi::UPCDataUPCTuple and associated origin
 Ccherrypi::UPCFilterBase class for UPC filters
 Ccherrypi::UpcPostStores information about UPCs that have been posted to the board
 Ccherrypi::UpcPostDataBase class for data attached to the posting of an UPC
 Ccherrypi::UpcStorageStores a graph of UPC communication, including any transactional data
 Ccherrypi::UPCTuple(Unit, Position, Command) tuple
 Ccherrypi::Vec2T< T >
 Ccherrypi::Vec2T< int >
 Ccommon::WeightSummaryCollects metrics about a container's weights
 Ccherrypi::GathererAssignments::WorkerStateUsed internally to track worker statefulness
 Ccpid::ZeroMQBufferedConsumer< T >A buffered consumer that sends data via ZeroMQ
 Ccpid::ZeroMQBufferedProducer< T >A buffered producer that obtains data via ZeroMQ
 Ccpid::ZOBackpropModelSee trainer for output format of these models